Recommended Books On Tropical
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Aeoniums | Ambarella | Atemoya | Avocados | Bananas |
Cherry | Citrus | Grapes | Grass | Guavas | Hibiscus |
Jaboticaba | Lemon Grass | Loquats | Lucuma | Lychees |
Mangoes | Miniature Rose | Orchid Trees | Pacay | Papaya |
Passion Fruit | Peaches | Pineapples | Plumerias |
Tropical Bird Of Paradise | Tuberose | White Sapote | Vegetables |
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I own all of the books in the following list and highly recommend all of them. |
Books On Tropical and Subtropical Gardening | |
Fruits of Warm Climates Hardcover Julia F. Morton ![]() |
One of the best known and most respected books on growing tropical and
subtropical fruit. There are many plants in this one that most of
us have never heard of. Julia Morton spent her life studying this subject
and is undoubtedly one of the world's experts. Surprisingly, it is
very hard to get a hold of a printed version of this book.
Even though it is expensive, this book is worth the money if you are really getting serious about tropical gardening. It even contains a lot of information on growing fruits commercially. Even though you can find a lot of information on the web, there is no replacement for a good book that you can relax on the couch with. Fruits Of Warm Climates is available on Amazon. |
Fruits of Warm Climates CD-ROM Julia F. Morton ![]() |
The CD Rom version of Julia Morton's well respected book (see above). |
Citrus Varieties Of The World James Saunt ![]() |
I purchased this book when I was investigating which citrus trees
to buy for my yard. It is the most comprehensive book on citrus varieties
I have encountered. Answered in this book are many interesting questions
such as: Why do South Americans use the word lemon to describe limes?
Is there really a difference between Nagami and Miewa kumquats? What type of
citrus is a tangerine? This book does not cover a whole lot on citrus
care so you might want to combine it with the Walheim book below.
Citrus Varieties Of The Worlds is available on Amazon. |
The Western Gardening Handbook 2001 Edition ![]() |
A very good book that covers almost anything you can imagine buying at a nursery.
Tropical plants are covered in here but the information is too summary in
many cases. Also, the book is geared towards the California coast even
though they make a very good attempt to classify other zones.
Regardless, this is a great book and a must for any serious gardener. Any of its flaws can be explained by the fact that the authors are attempting to write a book that covers all of the western states, plus Hawaii. Considering the enormous range of climates involved they are taking on an almost impossible task but still do a first class job. This latest addition also has color pictures for each entry, a nice improvement. A final note, many of the tropical plants that they say will not make it in Phoenix will make it, so don't believe everything you read. |
All About Citrus And Subtropical Fruit![]() |
Nice book with pretty pictures and lots of well organized useful information. It really
does a good job of covering subtropical and tropicals without overwhelming you. Probably
the best starter book out of all of these listed if your interest is beyond just citrus.
Furthermore, this book really makes me hungry.
As usual it is somewhat geared towards coastal California. Just adjust your thinking to convert the term "full sun" to "afternoon shade" and you've made the conversion to Arizona. Of course there are some fruit that are a challenge to near impossible to grow in Arizona, like avocado's. That's why you still need a good local site like Phoenix Tropicals. All About Citrus And Subtropical Fruit is available on Amazon. |
Citrus, Complete Guide to Selecting and Growing Lance Walheim ![]() |
This book is a good study of many of the citrus varieties plus very good planting and care
information. Lots of pretty pictures that will make you hungry. Another book
geared toward California, but when it comes to citrus the differences between Arizona
and California are smaller than they are with other subtropicals and tropicals.
Keep in mind that citrus tastes better coming from our hot desert than from the California coast or even the central Valley. At least I think so, no matter what Lance says. |